Brian Miller






Current Projects

Improvisation | Artist’s Books

Telemetry | Printing

Mugs and More Painting Challenge




Artist Statement

I was raised in the Maryland suburbs — an environment that was neither country nor city, but the land between. I carry this sense of in-betweenness into my studio, along with my brushes and paints.  

My artwork reveals my attraction to edges, the spaces between, and the ways we bridge those divides. I am drawn to intersections, particularly between manmade and natural realms. I prefer a park to the wild, because I enjoy how humanity and nature can inform and shape one another. That conversation frames my work, whether representational or abstract.

When edges collide or we enter that space between, there is an opportunity for something new and unexpected. I revel in that sense of surprise, and I invite viewers to experience their own delight and wonder in those spaces and intersections.

My favorite current work often begins with a monoprint and includes cut-paper collage and drawing. You will often see arch shapes that might hint at vessels, portals, or bridges. I love how this use of layers can create and resolve complexity.

My still and animated works are accessible and reflective of my humor, sense of play, and ready wonderment. The process of creating is life-giving to me.